Australian Combustion Symposium 2023
26-29 November 2023, Darwin

Submission and Review

Submission and reviewing guidelines follow traditions and standards adopted by the Australian and New Zealand section of the Combustion Institute.

All regular submissions should not exceed four A4 pages. The length of invited submissions should not exceed eight pages. All papers must be submitted in MS-Word and PDF formats. Please use the template below for paper submission:


There are two modes of contributing papers to the ACS:

  • Mode-1: This is for papers that can be published in the ACS conference proceedings. By agreeing to publication, the authors give the organizers a non-exclusive license to publish their work in the symposium proceedings and confirm that the submitted material complies with the applicable copyright laws. For accepted papers, authors will be required to submit a camera-ready format to be included in the proceedings.
  • Mode-2: This is for papers that will be presented orally but will NOT appear in the ACS conference proceedings. Submissions marked as such will be included in the list of presentations and the conference program only but will not appear in the manuscript section of the proceedings.

Papers submitted in Mode-1 and Mode-2 will be subjected to the same review process.

Please email submission(s) to Professor Bogdan Dlugogorski with the following subject line:

  • ACS2023-Author-1-Paper1 [Author=Family name of corresponding author] for Mode-1 Paper;
  • ACS2023-Author-2-Paper1 [Author=Family name of corresponding author] for Mode-2 Paper.

In your email, please clearly indicate your preferred Mode (1 or 2) and preferred colloquium(s) (as listed on the homepage).