Invited Speakers
Bilger Lecturer
Professor Epaminondas Mastorakos, University of Cambridge.
Recent developments in turbulent combustion modelling and laser-based experiments and their relevance to practical systems
Epaminondas Mastorakos is the Hopkinson/ICI Professor of Applied Thermodynamics at the Engineering Department, University of Cambridge, and has experience with experiments, computational fluid dynamics, and combustion, especially in the fields of chemical mechanism reduction, turbulent reacting flow experimentation and modelling, ignition and extinction of flames, spray flames, gas turbine and diesel engine combustion, natural gas engine ignition mechanisms, and combustion in porous media. He has also worked on atmospheric chemistry, aerosols, and dispersion of pollutants. He has over 150 archival publications, more than 140 conference papers, and two invited review papers in major journals.
Prof. Mastorakos is Associate Editor of Combustion and Flame and sits at the Editorial Boards of many major combustion journals. He is co-author of a graduate textbook on turbulent reacting flows and co-editor of a research collection. He holds patents on syngas production, radiant burners, and low-emission gas turbine combustors. He has acted as consultant to various industries in the engines and energy area and is currently the Combustion Research Coordinator in the Rolls-Royce / Cambridge University Gas Turbine Partnership. His papers have received various prizes from the Combustion Institute and he has been elected Fellow of the Combustion Institute in February 2018.
Keynote speakers
Professor Bogdan Z. Dlugogorski, Murdoch University / Charles Darwin University.
Combustion chemistry of reduced sulfur species
Professor Dlugogorski is a chemical engineer and an environmental chemist, with broad interest in combustion, especially in fire chemistry, fire suppression and pollutant formation in combustion processes. He develops industrial processes that are safe to people and the environment, focusing on energy savings, process safety and emission CO2, NOx and trace pollutants. He also has interest in development of emulsion explosives and their safety. He holds undergraduate degrees in chemical engineering and geophysics from the University of Calgary in Canada, and postgraduate degrees from McGill, Montreal and Newcastle. He is a Chartered Chemist and Chartered Professional Engineer, and Fellow of Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, Combustion Institute, Engineers Australia, Royal Australian Chemical Institute and Society of Fire Protection Engineers.
Professor Mara de Joannon, Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione IRC-CNR, Italy.
Stability of MILD Combustion in temperature tailored reactors - A perspective on thermal conversion of energy carriers
Mara de Joannon is member of Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IRC-CNR) in Naples. She graduated cum laude in Chemical Engineering at University Federico II (Naples) where also received her PhD degree in 1998.
Starting from 1996 she pioneered the systematic study of highly pre-heated and diluted (MILD) combustion which is still among her major research topics. In this field, she currently develops research on advanced combustion processes and technologies supporting the exploitation of renewable energy sources, focusing on the conversion of gaseous and liquid energy carriers (fossil and alternative fuels as well as unconventional molecules), in efficient and fuel flexible processes/systems.
She is the chair of the management committee of a European network, involving scientists and company representatives of about 70 entities from 30 countries, focused on the use of Smart Energy Carriers in advanced combustion technology within the Cooperation in Science and Technology framework.
As member of the Combustion Institute, she acted as Colloquium Co-Chair and Coordinator of New Technology Concepts Colloquium and was member of several committees (Governance Policy, By-Law, Program Advisory Committees are among them). Beside archival papers published in ISI journals, she is Associated Editor of Proceedings of the Combustion Institute and guest editor for major journals in the field of fuels and combustion. She has also given invited plenary and keynote lectures at several international meetings.
Technical talks
Dr Agisilaos Kourmatzis, University of Sydney.
Recent progress in the control and understanding of turbulent spray formation
Agisilaos Kourmatzis is a lecturer and SOAR Fellow in the School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, University of Sydney. His key area of expertise lies in experimental two-phase flows with an emphasis on atomization and spray formation for applications from combustion to pharmaceutical aerosols. He has been especially active in electrically charged spray formation (experiments and modelling), hybrid modes of atomization, the effect of turbulence on atomization, and the development of benchmark spray burners. Most recently, he has also begun to translate experimental methodologies used in spray atomization & combustion into the pharmaceutical aerosols space, with an emphasis on fundamental powder de-agglomeration processes. He has published over 30 major peer reviewed journal papers, more than 30 peer reviewed conference papers, and currently holds two provisional patents on optical tomography technology.
Dr Anand Veeraragavan, The University of Queensland.
Supersonic Ethylene Combustion - Revamping the Cavity
Anand Veeraragavan is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering at The University of Queensland. Anand completed his PhD from the University of Maryland and held postdoctoral (MIT - Device Research Laboratory), and industry (GE Energy, USA) appointments prior to starting his academic career at UQ. His main area of research is in supersonic combustion and aerothermodynamics alongside thermofluid applications in energy. His research utilises computational simulations via HPC to design and compare against experiments, as well as detailed optical measurements to better understand fundamental physical phenomena in high-speed flows. In 2017, he was awarded an Advance Queensland Research Fellowship (Mid-career) to pursue studies of supersonic combustion of simple hydrocarbons. His career research funding exceeds $6M with nearly $2.5M as a lead CI. He has published 34 journal articles and a nearly equal number of peer-reviewed conference papers.
A/Prof. Andrew Wandel, University of Southern Queensland.
A physical understanding of how Multiple Mapping Conditioning works
Associate Professor Andrew Wandel is part of the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern Queensland. After completing his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at The University of Queensland in 2005, he completed postdoctoral positions at Cambridge University and Imperial College London. His principal research area, commencing with his Ph.D., is turbulent combustion modelling using the Multiple Mapping Conditioning (MMC) model, with the latest development (with co-authors Prof. R.P. Lindstedt) being awarded the Distinguished Paper in the Turbulent Flames colloquium at the 37th International Symposium on Combustion in 2018. His other main area of research is Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of turbulent spray flames, with one article (with co-authors Prof. N. Chakraborty and Prof. E. Mastorakos) awarded the Distinguished Paper in the Spray colloquium at the 32nd International Symposium on Combustion in 2008.
Prof. Heinz Pitsch, RWTH Aachen University.
What is important for accurate soot predictions?
Prof. Heinz Pitsch is a Professor at RWTH Aachen University and has been the Director of the Institute for Combustion Technology at RWTH Aachen University since 2010. He has been Assistant and Associate Professor at Stanford University from 2003 - 2013 after receiving his PhD from RWTH Aachen University in 1998 and holding post-doctoral positions at the University of California, San Diego and Stanford University. His main research interests are in the fields of combustion theory, combustion chemistry, turbulence, and multi-phase flows with application to technical combustion systems. Prof. Pitsch has published over 200 papers in archival journals. He is presently an elected member of the board of directors of the International Combustion Institute, a fellow of the American Physical Society and a fellow of the Combustion Institute.
Dr Mohsen Talei, The University of Melbourne.
Sound sources in premixed flames
Mohsen Talei is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Melbourne. He joined the University of Melbourne in 2014 as a Lecturer, having previously completed post-doctoral research at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and a PhD at the University of Melbourne. He has more than 15 years of industry and academic research experience in the broad area of energy with the focus on low-emission energy generation technologies such as gas turbines and reciprocating engines. Mohsen's research involves a significant use of high-performance computing (HPC) to tackle fundamental questions in the field of combustion as well as to improve our predictive capabilities for designing cleaner combustion engines. His current research areas include combustion-generated sound, flame-wall interaction, auto-ignition and natural gas direct injection in advanced engines. Mohsen has published his work in 63 peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers and technical reports. In 2017, he was awarded an ARC DECRA Fellowship centred on developing predictive tools for low-emission gas turbine combustors.
Dr Robert Gordon, The University of Melbourne.
Industrial Gas Turbines: the role of flame-wall and flame-cooling-air interactions on emissions
Dr. Robert Gordon is a Senior Lecturer in the Fluids and Thermal Sciences division of the Mechanical Engineering Department. He received his doctorate from the University of Sydney in 2007, undertook a post-doctoral research position at the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany) to investigate high-altitude relight of gas turbine engines, and was later awarded a Newton International Fellowship to research liquid biofuel combustion at the University of Cambridge. Dr. Gordon then joined Rolls-Royce Industrial Gas Turbines in Montreal, Canada, to undertake the role of Research and Technology Team Leader, before joining the University of Melbourne in 2014. Dr. Gordon's research interests focus on: (1) industrial gas turbines, energy and emissions, (2) ignition and transient combustion phenomena, and (3) optical diagnostics and experimental techniques.
Prof. Shawn Kook, University of New South Wales.
Combustion strategies for multi-fuel capable compression ignition engines
Professor Sanghoon (Shawn) Kook has been a member of the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at UNSW Sydney since 2009. In this position, he directs the UNSW Engine Research Laboratory with external grant awards worth more than $4.5Mil earned from ARC, ARENA, and various industry partners. His has significant expertise in optical/laser-based imaging diagnostics in automobile engines, advanced engine combustion, pollutants formation and alternative fuels. Professor Kook has authored more than 160 papers including a journal article received the 2005 Horning Memorial "Best Paper" Award from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) International and SAE Outstanding Oral Presentation Award twice in 2016 and 2018. Before UNSW, Professor Kook worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Sandia National Laboratories (2007-2009) and earned his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering (2000), M.S. degree in Nuclear and Quantum Engineering (2002), and Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering (2006) from KAIST.
A/Prof. Vincent Wheatley, The University of Queensland.
The Dynamics of Supersonic Turbulent Combustion
Associate Professor Vincent Wheatley is member of the Centre for Hypersonics in the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering at the University of Queensland. He obtained his PhD in Aeronautics from the California Institute of Technology in 2005. He also earned a MEngSc (Mechanical) and a BE (Mechanical and Space) from the University of Queensland. After completing his PhD in the US, Vincent spent two years as post-doctoral fellow at ETH Zurich. He was then a Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Adelaide before taking up his position at UQ in 2009. Vincent's research is focused on supersonic gas and plasma flows. He conducts both fundamental and applied research on supersonic turbulent combustion, seeking to understand its dynamics and apply this knowledge to enhance the performance of hypersonic air-breathing engines. Vincent was a 2012 ARC DECRA Fellow, a recipient of a 2017 Australian Award for University Teaching, and in 2018 was named Australia's research field leader in Aviation and Aerospace Engineering by The Australian.